Amici di astronomia binoculare UAI

Da Commissione Divulgazione - Unione Astrofili Italiani.

Amici di Astronomia Binoculare UAI - Friends of UAI Binocular Astronomy


Amici di astronomia binoculare UAI - Friends of UAI Binocular Astronomy

Questa pagina vuole essere un omaggio agli autori di libri di astronomia binoculare particolarmente significativi e che possono aver letteralmente aperto gli occhi ad altri astrofili. Ringraziamo tutte le persone citate in questa pagina per la loro ispirazione e il loro contributo. Questa pagina è l'unica pagina bilingue del sito Astronomia Binoculare UAI perché l'amicizia di questi grandi appassionati sia condivisa il più possibile.

This page want to cekebrate the autors of binocular astronomy books of particular importance, that can have truly opened the eyes of other amateurs. We thank you all the people quoted in this page for their inspiring work and contibution. This page is the only bilingual page of UAI Binocular Astronomy site, to share as much as possible the friendship of this great passionate astronomers.

Bertrand D'Armagnac

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas porttitor congue massa. Fusce posuere, magna sed pulvinar ultricies, purus lectus malesuada libero, sit amet commodo magna eros quis urna. Nunc viverra imperdiet enim. Fusce est. Vivamus a tellus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Proin pharetra nonummy pede. Mauris et orci. Aenean nec lorem. In porttitor. Donec laoreet nonummy augue. Suspendisse dui purus, scelerisque at, vulputate vitae, pretium mattis, nunc. Mauris eget neque at sem venenatis eleifend. Ut nonummy.

Libri e materiali curati da Bertrand D'Armagnac

Phil Harrington

Sono molto riconoscente a Phil Harrington, un autore molto prolifico di libri di astronomia amatoriale, per aver scritto il suo libro "Touring the Universe Through Binoculars", che mi ha rivelato quanto vasto sia il campo della astronomia al binocolo. Non solo la Luna, la Nebulosa di Orione e le Pleiadi: l'Universo è pieno di oggetti da osservare, e alcuni sembra che siano messi al loro posto proprio per essere osservati con il binocolo.

I am grateful to Phil Harrington, a very prolific author of amateur astronomy book, to have written his "Touring the Universe Through Binoculars". This book revealed to me how big is the field of binocular astronomy. Not only the Moon, the Great Orion Nebula and the Pleiades: the Universe is full of observing target, and some of them seems to be in their location just to be observed through binoculars.

Phil Harrington, astronomo dilettante per tutta la vita, è stato infettato dal “virus astronomico" quando gli è stato assegnato l'incarico di osservare l'eclissi lunare totale dell'aprile 1968 come compito a casa. Da allora, Phil ha trascorso innumerevoli ore a osservare l'universo attraverso telescopi e binocoli. È un ex membro dello Hayden Planetarium di New York City e istruttore al Vanderbilt Planetarium di Centerport, New York. Phil è professore a contratto presso il Suffolk County Community College, Selden, New York, dove insegna corsi di astronomia stellare e planetaria. È membro fondatore della Società Astronomica di Westport (CT) ed è anche uno dei coordinatori dell'annuale “Astronomer’s Conjunction”, che si tiene ogni estate a Northfield, MA. Phil è anche collaboratore della rivista Astronomy, sulle cui pagine ha pubblicato più di 200 articoli dal 1988. Phil recensisce telescopi, binocoli e altre attrezzature astronomiche, oltre a scrivere la colonna mensile del "Binocular Universe". Inoltre, tiene una rubrica mensile, "Cosmic Challenge", sul sito Cloudynights. Ha scritto inoltre per le riviste Deep Sky e Sky & Telescope, oltre che per altri periodici. Dal punto di vista accademico, Phil ha conseguito una laurea in educazione scientifica presso il Wagner College e in ingegneria meccanica presso il New York Institute of Technology, oltre a un master in ingegneria ambientale presso il New York Institute of Technology. Per i suoi numerosi contributi nel campo dell'astronomia amatoriale negli ultimi cinquant'anni, Phil ha ricevuto il Walter Scott Houston Award 2018 alla convention Stellafane 2018 a Springfield, nel Vermont. Nato a Rowayton, nel Connecticut, Phil ha sposato il suo amore del Wagner College, Wendy, nel 1980. Ora vivono sulla costa settentrionale di Long Island. Phil è anche un appassionato ciclista e ha scritto, con Wendy, "Short Bike Rides in and around New York City".

A lifelong amateur astronomer, Phil Harrington was bitten by the "astronomical bug" when he was assigned to watch the total lunar eclipse of April 1968 as a homework assignment. Since then, Phil has spent countless hours touring the universe through telescopes and binoculars. He is a former staff member of New York City's Hayden Planetarium and instructor at the Vanderbilt Planetarium in Centerport, New York. Phil is an adjunct professor at Suffolk County Community College, Selden, New York, where he teaches courses in stellar and planetary astronomy. He is a founding member of the Westport (CT) Astronomical Society and is also one of the coordinators of the annual Astronomer's Conjunction, held every summer in Northfield, MA. Phil is also a contributing editor for Astronomy magazine, where he has published more than 200 articles since 1988. Phil frequently reviews telescopes, binoculars, and other astronomical equipment, as well as writes the magazine's monthly "Binocular Universe" column. In addition, he authors a monthly "Cosmic Challenge" feature on Beyond these, he has written for Deep Sky and Sky & Telescope magazines, as well as other periodicals. Academically, Phil has undergraduate degrees in science education from Wagner College and mechanical engineering from New York Institute of Technology, as well as a Master's degree in environmental engineering from New York Institute of Technology. For his many contributions to the field of amateur astronomy across the past five decades, Phil was awarded the 2018 Walter Scott Houston Award at that year's Stellafane convention in Springfield, Vermont. A native of Rowayton, Connecticut, Phil married his Wagner College sweetheart, Wendy, in 1980. They now live on Long Island's north shore. Phil is also an avid bicyclist and authored, with Wendy, “Short Bike Rides in and around New York City”.

Libri e materiali curati da Phil Harrington

Stephen Tonkin

"Il mio interesse verso il cielo stellato è iniziato nel 1957 "

"My interest in the night sky began in 1957, when my father took me outside to see if we could spot Sputnik (we couldn't), and was later fed by Dan Dare in the Eagle comic and the novels of Fred Hoyle. My interest lapsed briefly in my late teens and early twenties but, if anything, has grown since then. I have both edited and authored several books on practical astronomy, but the only one that has stood the test of time is Binocular Astronomy, which was first published in 2007 and is now in a second, greatly expanded, edition. Now that I am nominally retired, I am able to give a lot more time to astronomical outreach, and divide my astro-time between that, solo observing, and writing. I produce a free monthly Binocular Sky newsletter, write a monthly Binocular Tour for BBC Sky at Night magazine (for whom I also do binocular reviews and various other articles), and have just had my first foray into self-publishing with a book geared for newcomers to astronomy with binoculars, Discover the Night Sky through Binoculars. My website, is intended to be a useful resource for my fellow binocular astronomers."

Una breve intervista a Stephen Tonkin

D: R:

A short interview to Stephen Tonkin

Q: How did it start your feeling with binoculars and binocular astronomy? A: I was fortunate to grow up under the wonderful skies of Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and, for many years, I only ever used binoculars (initially my father's Zeiss Dekarem 10x50), a situation that persisted until I made my first telescope, an 8-inch reflector, in 1985. Since 2005, binoculars (ranging from 32mm to 100mm aperture) have been my primary observing instruments.

Q: Don’t you fear that Binocular Astronomy today seems a “poor man” approach to astronomy? Some decades ago a telescope costed a lot of money, and binoculars were the mandatory intermediate step between naked eye and telescope. A: There is an unfortunate view of binocular astronomy as a "lesser" or "poor man's" hobby, but this is really not the case. When I show adult students on my courses, and children with whom I do outreach, how to use and find astronomical targets with hand-held binoculars, both age cohorts can usually see what a valuable way this is to begin to learn the night sky. This does, of course, set a good foundation for when they "progress" to a "proper" telescope. Most importantly, especially for youngsters, binoculars, and their use, are easily accessible. Although I still use several telescopes, up to 405mm in aperture, my binoculars are always within reach. One of my pleasures from scanning the sky with binoculars is finding new asterisms, and I'm compiling my own little catalogue of the ones I find. Did you know that Orion has a broken bicycle? The front light and off-centre hub of the 2° wide handlebars is 69 Ori, and the once-comfortable saddle, which has been twisted sideways, is a kite-shaped group of 6th magnitude stars, 2.3° to the north. The red filter has come off the rear light (71 Ori).

Q: Are you satisfied of your binocular astronomy books? Do you get feedback from your readers? A: The reception of my binocular astronomy books has been largely positive, although some people have suggested that Binocular Astronomy goes into too much detail for a "beginners book". I'd rather that than insufficient detail, and it was never intended solely, or even primarily, as a beginners book! After an unfortunate false start with Discover the Night Sky through Binoculars (I somehow missed the small print that indicated that corrections to the proofs would take up to 72 hours to be implemented, and I managed to prematurely release an uncorrected edition), I have had some very positive comments from readers. Although this book is aimed at beginners, readers have suggested that it is also a treat for experienced observers. It has been suggested to me that it would make a useful field guide, so I have also turned it into an e-book, optimised for tablets.

Libri scritti e curati da Stephen Tonkin

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