8569 Mameli
Asteroide della fascia principale
Scoperto l' 1 ottobre 1996 da Vincenzo Silvano Casulli: astronomo italiano, scopritore di molti asteroidi. Vive e lavora vicino Roma.
Discovered 1996 Oct. 1 by V. S. Casulli at the Colleverde di Guidonia.
The poet Goffredo Mameli (1827-1849) was the patriotic Italian author of the national anthem Fratelli d´Italia.
39677 Anagaribaldi
Discovered 1996 Mar. 13 at Santa Lucia Stroncone (Terni).
Asteroide della Fascia principale
Ana Maria de Jesus Ribeiro de Silva (1821-1849) was a heroine of the Italian resurgence. After fighting side by side with her husband Giuseppe Garibaldi in South America, she followed him also in Italy. When the Roman Republic fell, she tried to reach Venice but died near Ravenna.
(185448) Mentana = 2006 YK13
Discovered 2006 Dec. 25 by V. S. Casulli at the Vallemare di Borbona.
Motivazione proposta:
Mentana is an italian town, near Rome, whose birth date from the 1st
millennium BC (the ancient Nomentum). On Nov.23, 800, it was the site of the
meeting of Pope Leo III and Charlemagne. On Nov.3, 1867, the city was the site
of the battle between the Garibaldine and French-papaline troops. The city is
home to a renowned Garibaldine Museum. The name was suggested by S. Valentini.
dicembre 2012
Per il pianetino (185448) Mentana la 20a UAI (Unione Astronomica Internazionale)
ha preferito adottare l'antico nome latino della cittadina e, pertanto,
la citazione ufficiale è diventata la seguente:
Discovered at Vallemare Borbona on 2006-12-25 by V. S. Casulli.
(185448) Nomentum = 2006 YK13
Mentana is an Italian town, near Rome, founded as Nomentum in the 1st millennium BC.
In 800 CE it was the site of the meeting of Pope Leo III and Charlemagne.
The city is home to the renowned Garibaldian Museum.
The name was suggested by S. Valentini. [Ref: Minor Planet Circ. 75105]
(210182) Giuseppemazzini = 2006 UE215
Discovered 2006 Oct. 26 by V. S. Casulli at the Vallemare di Borbona.
Giuseppe Mazzini (1805-1872), nicknamed "Soul of Italy", was an Italian
activist for the unification of Italy. Founder of the secret republican
society "Giovine Italia", he taught astronomy in his Italian free school for
poor children, founded during his exile in London.
dicembre 2012
La denominazione (210182) Giuseppemazzini è stata confermata dalla Commissione.
Ringraziamo per le segnalazioni
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